Us 我倆

Marco Lok:

Birthday: 4th November

Religion: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints

Interest: Water sports, tennis, badminton, golf, guitar, listening Cindy playing piano and singing, puzzle

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Hong Kong. Stayed in Hawaii for 4 years for education.

Second of the three boys in the family


生日: 11月4日

宗教: 耶穌基督後期聖徒教會

興趣: 水上活動、網球、羽毛球、高爾夫球、吉他、聽Cindy彈琴唱歌、砌圖




Cindy Chiu:

Birthday: 19th April

Religion: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints

Interest: Water sports, tennis, badminton, golf, music, reading, puzzle

Born in Hong Kong, grew up in Hong Kong. Stayed in Canada for a year and Australia for education.

One of the two girls in the family


生日: 4月19日

宗教: 耶穌基督後期聖徒教會

興趣: 水上活動、網球、羽毛球、高爾夫球、音樂、閱讀、砌圖




Cindy & Marco

First met:  Dec 2003, met at an institute class at church, but did not really talk to each other

First date: May 2004, dinner at Outback Steak House, then shopped for a gift for Mother's Day at Sogo

First holding hands: 1st June, 2004, after a badminton game

First kiss: 

Propose: 10th Jan, 2005 at Marco's house, a diamond ring designed by Marco was involved

The big day: 24th Sep, 2005

第一次相遇: 2003年12月,一次神學研究所課堂,但課堂中或課堂後都未有交談

第一次約會: 2004年5月,在Outback Steakhouse晚餐,然後在崇光百貨為母親節選購禮物

第一次拖手: 2004年6月1日,一塲羽毛球活動後回家途中


求婚: 2005年1月10日,在Marco家中。此後,一隻由Marco親自設計的鑽石戒指就出現在Cindy的手指上了

大日子: 2005年9月24日


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